
US House to ITU: Hands off the Internet - gloverweld1948

The U.S. U.S. House voted late Thursday to get off a message to the UN' International Telecom Union that the Internet doesn't need rising international regulations. The vote was unanimous: 414-0.

The House resolution calls on United States officials to tell the ITU and other international organizations that it is the "consistent and unequivocal policy of the United States to promote a globular Internet free from political science control."

The ITU will host a accord-writing conference, the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), in Dec in Dubai. U.S. officials carry another countries to thrust for global Internet dealings taxes and for the ITU to take Internet governance out from the Internet Pot for Assigned Names and Numbers game (ICANN) and other organizations.

Some countries whitethorn also labour for more surveillance of Net users in the advert of fighting spam or fraud, observers read.

Proposals at the ITU and other U.N. agencies "would justify under international police force increased government activity control over the Internet and would scorn the current multi-stakeholder model that has enabled the Internet to wave and under which the private sector, civilian society, academe, and individual users play an most-valuable role in charting its direction," reads the House resolution, sponsored away Representative Mary Bono Mack, a California Republican River.

Bono Mack applauded the House vote.

Mary Bono Mack (R-California)

"In many shipway, this is a first-of-its-kind referendum on the future of the Internet," she said in a statement. "For virtually a decade, the United Nations has been angling softly to become the epicenter of Internet governance."

Hole-and-corner negotiations leading up to WCIT could be "destructive" to Internet freedom and economic development, she added.

The "unanimous voting sends a clearheaded and patent message: the Earth mass want to prevent the Internet exempt from government control and prevent Russia, China and other nations from succeeding in bighearted the U.N. unprecedented mogul all over Web content and substructure," she said. "We cannot let this bump."

Several U.S. tech trade groups subsidised the resolution. The vote "was an operative step to underscore for the world that the Amalgamate States will stand firmly against regulation of the Internet, and strongly for online exemption," Ken Salaets, director of global insurance policy at the Information Technology Information Council, wrote in blog billet.

Grant Vulgar covers technology and telecommunication policy in the U.S. government for The IDG News Service. Play along Grant on Twitter at GrantGross. Grant's e-mail address is


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